International Museum Day

Sejak tahun 1977, ICOM, International Council on Museums, menyelenggarakan perayaan Hari Museum Internasional pada seputar tanggal 18 Mei. Tujuan perayaan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kepedulian pada pentingnya museum dalam perkembangan masyarakat. Tulis ICOM dalam situsnya, “This day is an occasion to raise awareness on how important museums are in the development of society.”1
Tema Hari Museum Internasional tahun ini adalah “Museum in a Changing World“. Lebih lanjut ICOM menulis bahwa, “Today, the world is changing faster than ever. New technology delivers new ideas, gigabytes of information, news of an increasingly unstable climate.”
Tema Hari Museum Internasional ditentukan berbeda setiap tahun. Tema-tema tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:2
2012 – “Museums in a Changing World”
2011 – “Museum and memory”
2010 – “Museums for social harmony”
2009 – “Museums and tourism”
2008 – “Museums as agents of social change and development”
2007 – “Museums and Universal Heritage”
2006 – “Museums and young people”
2005 – “Museums bridging cultures”
2004 – “Museums and Intangible Heritage”
2003 – “Museums and Friends”
2002 – “Museums and Globalisation”
2001 – “Museums: building community”
2000 – “Museums for Peace and Harmony in Society”
1999 – “Pleasures of discovery”
1998-1997 – “The fight against illicit traffic of cultural property”
1996 – “Collecting today for tomorrow”
1995 – “Response and responsibility”
1994 – “Behind the Scenes in Museums”
1993 – “Museums and Indigenous Peoples”
1992 – “Museums and Environment”
Dari beragam tema tersebut kita dapat mengetetahui perkembangan di dunia permuseuman yang ternyata cukup luas, kompleks, dan menarik. Museum tidak sekedar institusi (atau bahkan gedung) yang sekedar digunakan untuk menyimpan barang dari masa lalu.
Apa kegiatan International Museum Day di Indonesia?
Website ICOM memberitahu kita bahwa dua museum di Indonesia turut berpartisipasi.3 Ketimbang kelamaan menterjemahkan, padahal di Indonesia sudah memasuki tanggal 18, saya kutipkan sebagian:
Museum House of Sampoerna, Surabaya
“Theme Tour Surabaya Heritage Track (SHT) – Tour de Museum”, 15-31 May 2012
To commemorate the International Museum Day every May 18th, Museum House of Sampoerna, Surabaya, Indonesia organizes a thematic city sightseeing “Tour de Museum”, visiting four museums in Surabaya: Museum Perjuangan 10 November, Museum Kesehatan dr. Adhyatma, MPH., De Javasche Bank, and Escompto Bank every Tuesday-Sunday, at 09:00 and 13:00.
Museum Ullen Sentalu, Yogyakarta
Ullen Sentalu Museum will join museums in Jogjakarta to hold an exhibition at the State Palace, Gedung Agung, Jogjakarta. The exhibition will hold on October 2012. … Besides that, museum will hold a seminar for elementary school student around Jogjakarta. The focus of the seminar is about museum as an agent of communication from the past to the present generation. So the present generation will know their own culture and the nation identity. This seminar will be held on May 2012.
Selamat Hari Museum Internasional! [z]