Urban Heritage and Community, a Tale of Two Cities

Paper for Urban Resilience Research Center (UReC) Seminar: The Dynamic of Urban Landscape. UGM-ISI Yogyakarta-Osaka Metropolitan University, Yogyakarta, 25 June, 2024.
Urban heritage, especially material heritage, is often considered a problem in urban development. In order to preserve this urban heritage, efforts need to involve many parties, including the government, the community, and academics. The form of involvement of each party is quite diverse, depending on the type and status of cultural heritage, as well as the intensity of interactions that occur between these parties in relation to urban heritage management. The role of the community will also depend on these matters. Therefore, it will be important to look at the management of cultural heritage by the community, especially in terms of protection and utilization. This paper compares the role of the community in managing urban heritage, in this case in the city of Pasuruan where the local government has been quite active in managing it, and in the city of Ampenan, where the local government is still relatively inactive in the same regard. Communities in both cities have at some level protected and utilized urban heritage, in various ways that may not be realized as part of the protection and utilization. These efforts are made as part of the villagers and city residents who see the city both as a unity of identity, living space, and as an asset that can be exploited.
Keywords: ampenan, community participation, cultural resources management, pasuruan, urban heritage, heritage management,